All volumes of the «Edition Digital Culture» series in one slipcase
Survey of the artistic potential of the digital media
The digital transition is transforming our society at lightning speed. New cultural, economic and political issues are being constantly raised. The series of publications entitled Edition Digital Culture examines this transition in the field of culture. Thanks to Public Domain and Internet, works of yesteryear now belong to the general public. Robotics, artificial intelligence and virtual reality are destined to shape cultural activity in the future. This publication series allows artists and internationally famous authors have their say.
Dominik Landwehr (ed.)
September 2019, 1628 pages, 236 illustrations, softcover, 12,5 x 19 x 11,5 (B x H x T), German / English
ISBN 978-3-85616-899-5
Edition Digital Culture
Bände 1-6 :
Public Domain